Wednesday, November 29, 2006

A Life in a Night for a Proper Being (By: Ayesha Mutiara (10 y.o.))*

Sluuuuuuurp. Sluuuuuuuurp. Who doesn’t love milk? Especially if it is for a midnight snack. I was staring at my bowl with gleaming eyes, looking at the milk as if the bowl of milk was the best piece of art any one can ever do. I kept on licking at the bowl, little bit by little bit, trying to not to waste the milk, because those humans would never ever give me the right amount I deserve. I am a Siamese cat. I am proper. They should be thankful they have me.

Tap! Tap! Tap! I was on my daily walk around the house, as I usually do when it is night. I was waiting for one of those twin owners of mine to come and feel and admire my very soft and shiny fur. Hey! It’s not my fault I’m pretty and precious. Since Tyler (my owner) was doing his homework, I went to Erin (my other owner) to give her a chance to feel my fur before I would go prowling around the alleyways of New York City.

New York City has the perfect mood, which matches me like a puzzle piece. It’s fast, it’s bright and it’s busy. The only problem is that it rains a lot here and when the cars pass by really fast then they splash water on me and get me soaked and the water is absolute filth. How embarrassing it would be if I were the only Siamese cat that looked uncivilized in New York.

Any way Erin was watching “Lady and the Tramp” and it was the scene where the baby’s babysitter brought out her two Siamese cats, which were every mean to Lady. They were singing a song about themselves, which actually has a pretty catchy tune. Although they are my species, they selfish. Unlike me, don’t you agree? You don’t see me taking every thing for myself, unless the object is milk of course. Well, Erin’s mother told her to go to sleep, so I guess I would just go on my stroll now.

“AAAAAAHHHHHH!!! That’s my tail, thank you very much!”

Humm, people these days don’t appreciate real beauty. It’s unfair! For a short creature like me, a busy sidewalk is like a Dodge ball game. With all the shoes stepping right in front of you on the last minute. I would soon be as flexible as a gymnast dodging all these feet.

When I turned to the last corner, I happened to meet Gruel, which rhymes with drool, which he happens to do a lot. If he lived in my apartment, since he was a pup and no one cleaned his drool, my house would have a 1-inch thick layer of drool. And sometimes he drools while his head is swinging like a pendulum. So, There would be slime all over the wall. If his drool was brown, then the marks of drool would look like tree trunks with a lot of branches.

“ Oh, whom do we have here?” he mumbled.

“George Bush is who it is. Dum-dumb it’s me Lola the Siamese!” I shouted sarcastically. As if it was the simplest question in the world.

He gave me a look that was like a warning that he was going to make me his next dinner on his menu! So I ran, and ran and ran until I tripped over a rock and got a cut on my paw and blood was dribbling down my claws until they’re little drops of red. So I turned to the left and shook off Gruel of my trail. Then I ran into the back of he leg of an officer. He looked at me, stroked under my ear and carried me into his car.

In the car he checked my neck to see my collar and drove me back to my apartment. And when he rang the doorbell, my mother owner immediately opened the door and thanked the officer for bringing me back. But when she was about to pick me up, she saw my cut leg. And went to get a band-aid. She caressed me like I was a newborn baby.

Finally, I get the perfect treatment that I, the perfect and civilized Lola the Siamese cat deserves. And since I’m getting pampered and everything, I guess that it wouldn’t be a bad time to ask for milk!

This short story appears courtesy of Ayesha Mutiara a.k.a. Kakak (10 y.o.) Thanks, Kakak!
* Ayesha is a bright student of ASD (American School of Dubai), a daughter of my two best friends - Wingky & Oya, the big sister of Zirdy, a talented sketcher, a meticulous storyteller (and a fast talker :-)) and more importantly, a talented swimmer. She has won many regional swimming championships in Dubai/UAE. At her age, she has already impressed many people with her many achievements academically and non-academically. With this article, she proves not only can she do the verbal storytelling, but also she can nicely compose a short story like above. I hope to see more of this in the near future and am glad to publish it for the first time in my own blog as a work of my special guest author. Keep writing, ya Kak!

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