Sunday, August 26, 2007

Julien Doré et Moi... Lolita

Ladies and Gentlemen, introducing Mr. Julien Dore, the genius winner of Nouvelle Star 2007 a.k.a French Idol!

From his first appearance at the top 15, he has become my favorite, not only my favorite French idol, but one of my favorite musicians. That night, he did a magic and brilliant work with his original rendition of Like a Virgin. What do you think? Have you ever heard or seen anyone like that before? His voice has a wide range, from a low bass note to a high tenor, more importantly he has a good control of his voice. Always pitch! His musicality is just great. He has demonstrated that his genre is also broad, from pop, jazz standard to rock, the one which I think he enjoys most. He did it all with a style. His own style!

His stage performance is unique and brilliant. His body language is incredibly hilarious. He moves like a rubber ball. His originality is the reason why people like him.

Just recently, he released his first single, Moi... Lolita. A remake (I have never heard the original version myself) which is critically acclaimed. A lot of French people put their two thumbs up for his brilliant work. He sang this song twice during the competition and people loved it.

His rival on the final of Nouvelle Star is another good singer, Tigan. He represents the black community in France. To me, there is still a lof of things he needs to learn before he can become a professional singer. I often heard him open a song off key. His stage performance is, in my opinion, monotonous. So is his genre. The one he did best is the slow R&B. Out of his performances, I liked it most when he did a brilliant unplugged rendition of Billy Jean from Michael Jackson.

Yet, on the overall musicality, Julien is better than Tigan! Now, I am looking forward to Julien's first album and, of course, seeing him live in a concert. Go Julien!

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