Friday, August 11, 2006

Nadia & La Halte Garderie (11.08.06)

Another milestone in Nadia's life.

Aug 2, 2006, for the very first time Nadia entered La Halte-Garderie (nursery) Petit-a-Petit, 30-min walk from our place. Dita and I decided to do so at the early age mainly for two reasons. Firstly, we want her to have some playmates. Secondly, Dita needs to take her French lesson, 3 times a week.

I am not going to go into details of the schedule, activities, etc. I leave these to your imagination. But it will not take you a while to figure out... you know, kids stuffs: play, eat, sleep :-)

What I wanted to share with you (I am sure many of you have gone through this before) is the fact that in the beginning it was not easy for Dita to leave Nadia in the HG by herself (no, indeed she is not really by herself. She's got many friends in there). But for a mother like Dita, it's a question of being separated from Nadia, having shared 24 hours a day together for the last 13 months! Now you are going to let someone you hardly know look after your loved one for a few hours. Na, na... it's not easy. Not for Dita. Not for Nadia.

Nadia somehow tried to understand what was going on. (Believe it or not, to me babies are the fastest learners). Why is she left there without her Mama or Papa? Why does everyone speak strange languages? Pourquoi ca, pourquoi ci? Poor Nadia has to go through another change again. With this new activity, Nadia would have to find her new rhytme.

Mais, c'est pas grave. There is always good news. Coming towards the second week, we all see the light at the end of the tunnel. Everyone seems to be happy now. Dita seems to get used to the HG things. Nadia seems to cope extremely well with her new rhytme, new activities and new friends!

Catatan kaki:
In France, an Halte Garderie is different from a creche. The earlier is for kids (15-36 months old) from the non-working mothers. The latter is for working mothers. In HG, you can book a place for your baby on a semester basis, usually, for a maximum of 3 times a week, be it morning, midday, afternoon or a combination of them, depending on the available space. Meanwhile, a creche can accommodate your baby during the weekdays.

When a kid reaches 3-yo, s/he will enter ecole maternelle (kindergarten) with one condition (according to Dita's source): the kid has to be able to poo-poo in the toilet by himself!


Anonymous said...

sarah said :
gileee... anak kecil udah masuk tempat penitipan.
kirim foto lagi dong oom.
enak enggak apartemen barunya
nadia sekarang makan apa sih ?
udah bisa ngomong apa ?

theo said :
nadia nih ah ..... ge er banget mentang2 udah masuk penitipan bayi. enak enggak di situ.
eh nad, mudah2an muat ya apartemenmu kalau kita datengin.
eh selamat ya udah punya apartemen baru. mudah2an enak ditinggalin.

tante rita said :
nadia ... nadia... udah titip di rumah tante aja. nanti diajarin math.
nadia cepet adaptasi ya kayaknya, good girl !
udah kangen nih sama 'cengirannya'.
yah...mudah2an nanti natal kita bisa ketemu ya. tapi lagi winter gimana ya ? coba nadia tolong tanya temen2 barunya. masih oke enggak kalau winter kita ke sana ?

udah ya nad, kapan2 kita lanjutin lagi. dari indo blm ada kabar yg menarik. stay cool baby !!!

enjoy life, Gbu all !!!!

Novel Tjahyadi said...

Halo Tante Rita, Koko Theo and Cici Sarah...

Thanks for the online comment.
Aku sekarang udah bisa makan french fries. Hehehe... Makanya aku seneng kalo Papa aja ke McDonald's.
Apartmen-ku muat kok kalo kalian + Oma ke sini. Udah disiapin tuh. Kata Mama: makan nggak makan ngumpul. Kalo mau dateng pas winter, mulai dong apply visa dari sekarang. Nanti kita bisa ber-White Christmas bareng. Pasti dingin sih, cuma kan asik... biar bisa big hug kayak Teletubbies (ini acara favorite Nadia lho, selain si Zizou - cartoon Prancis dan Baby Einstein).
Papa belum sempet upload foto2 yang terbaru, krn abis sibuk pindahan. Minggu depan Papa udah traveling lagi tuh ke DC terus London. Oya, aku dan Mama mau ikutan ke London 19/8 - 28/8. Mau nitip apa?
Salam buat Oma dan Oom Joe ya.
Rumah barunya udah jadi belum? Kapan soft opening?

Bye bye


Anonymous said...

Jazzy starts nursery since she was 6 mths. Her development has been remarkable since. Having playmate teach her how to share with and respect others. It will do Nadia good and also Dita. She'll have more time to do the house chores n cooks some delicious indonesian meals ... nyam ...nyam.

Dit ntar ke sini gue bikinin soto ... mumpung punya bumbunya.